Farm Record 005: Dry Goods Store Celebration + Tips for Manifesting Your Way Out of Imposter Syndrome

Launching the Celie & Squeak Dry Goods Store last year has really had me deep in my feelings. Who am I kidding? I’m always in my feelings. But the launch has truly had me rethinking how and where I experience … wait for it … imposter syndrome. Now, I’m not even a person who really believes in that term. I believe that the systemic oppressions that many of us face under a militaristic capitalist regime work to crush our souls and keep us subjugated to a point of paralysis. But I’m not usually one to say, “Oh, hi. I had to work 2-3x as hard as the other folks who entered this particular space, so my being here makes me doubt my skills, talents, and accomplishments. So I’m worried you might find out I’m a fraud.”

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Farm Record 004: Revisiting Clean Cabinets Tips and Coronavirus

If you’ve been following this snail’s pace ride of unfolding Celie & Squeak to share with you, then you know we’re moving into the middle of my most reflective moments of the year. And, yes, by reflective, I do mean the months and moments where I have at least a few existential crises prompted by career, family, and/or home decor. And then I usually decide to rearrange every part of the house at least once. This kind of self-reflection and overzealous nesting is exactly what brought me back to a blog I wrote in April of 2020 about an image I saved from @littleboxesorganization - an image that gave the cutest little tip about just removing all the cups you never choose in your cabinets so your cabinet can look just like the above cute and neat and stylized cup cubby.

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Farm Record 003: The Woods are Lovely, Dark, and Deep (+ Banana Leaf Plant Tips)

Sometimes I hate to admit it, but “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (Robert Frost) has always been one of my favorite poems. And it’s not necessarily because I’m instantly curious about a trespasser feeling safe enough to take a beautifully quiet moment in the woods with an animal companion that is, too, curious about this specific moment of bravery in a dark and snowy forest.

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